Monday, August 5, 2013

Our Brilliant God

   I was driving home to Chico recently while chatting with a friend on the phone. We hadn't spoken in months and months, so it was a joy to catch up on all life has taught us since we last spoke. My heart was ecstatic to realize that everything I had to say was good. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely things in life that aren't necessarily going great, but... you'll see...

   God's so good. A friend recently described God as 'brilliant.' Brilliant. Wow. I love to refer to God as good, and yet, good is good, but brilliant takes Him to a whole new level. I was looking up the definition for brilliant: "exceptionally clever or talented" and some synonyms: "intelligent, skillful; superior, excellent; brainy, impressive, remarkable, or exceptional"(mac dictionary). (if you haven't figured out by now, I like words ;)). I loved this reference to God as brilliant because it made Him so much better, so much more in control, so much more skilled in planning than I previously attributed to Him. I love continually learning how much better God is than I originally try give him credit for.

   I also love learning that when I deliberately decide not to worry about aspects of my life. God always comes through for me. He's never not been faithful. How can I do any less than trust Him completely.

   This was partly why talking with my friend was so fun. Because we hadn't spoken in such a long time, I had to think back. I had to remember what has happened and all that God has done. I had to remember why Chico was so hard, and how much God has changed my heart for living here. It caused me to remember all the blessings, every one.... I see over and over how hard times, sad times, and hurtful times, how they have all turned into such good. I've learned so much, I've grown to see God's love more and more throughout the journey of my life. I wouldn't change this adventure for anything... even the times that don't make sense. The times that hurt. The times that are joyous. I'm learning to truly enjoy each moment- the easy times to trust, the times filled with fear, hurt, or wonder. God's so good. He's so brilliant. As I decide to embrace the moments realizing that God is so in control and so good, the fear and the worry get displaced, and a fresh perspective, that surely must only come from God, takes their place. This perspective is so new for me. I'm not used to living in such a way, and yet, it's so easy, so free, so alive. I get to embrace life because I'm not the one figuring it all out. I just get to walk onto the stage of right now and enjoy my part while trusting God has each scene, and all the props, and costs, and needs for the next scene and the next, all taken care of.

   I'm so convinced that He has a plan. That He loves me. That He holds me and is so much more faithful than I know. I love learning to experience Him more. Once as I was first learning to enjoy experiencing more of my Father, I felt Him say to me "it only get's better from here." It's so true. The times might be hard, or they might be good, but what I get to learn about my Good Father through them surpasses everything. The time has built greater trust, and deeper love. "The best is yet to come" and there's always more to learn. Yay God! What a good and brilliant God we have.

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