For the past several years I have been working towards the dream of one day becoming a high school English teacher. Despite the windy road I have taken educationally, the last couple hills seem to be unfolding in the hopefully not too distant future. Alhamdulillah (praise be to God)!
This morning I began tutoring a young girl, soon to enter high school, in her reading. After praying the whole drive to her house that this would be a good experience and that she wouldn't hate the fact that I was there to "help" her, I was wonderfully surprised by her vibrant personality. During the morning's lesson she began to understand and even, do I dare say, "enjoy" the suggestions I gave her. Her amazement at the fact that she had just read a biography, which was out of her genre of enjoyment, and gone on to understand, remember, and even appreciate the content, brought a swell of joy to my heart.
The "I get it" lightbulb has always brought passion and excitement to the thought of my teaching career, because, at that moment, learning transitions from a laborious "job" to an unexpectedly invigorating and gratifying process. At such a moment, a student becomes empowered because now they are able to do what they thought previously to be impossible, and a visible sense of accomplishment and pride in their work spreads throughout their demeanor. Every time I witness such an "enlightenment," I am filled with a renewed enthusiasm to finish this journey of education.
Such moments cause me to remember why I can't wait to become a teacher. I remember why the studying, the multiple transfers, the pressing on through this seemingly never-ending educational avenue is worth it. My hope is to encourage students that they can enjoy learning, and be able to enter their next stage in life feeling equipped to meet challenges, think independently, and believe that their opinion is valued and valuable.
Though this dream might be too idealistic, and I probably will not always feel this passionate about teaching, or my ability to impact my students' lives for the better, I hope that maybe these thoughts can help remind me that my desire to teach is for the betterment of my students- academically, spiritually, emotionally, and so on, as they look towards their future.
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